Sunday, January 21, 2007

Rio Grande Cam

Add the Rio Grande Cam to your website!

Copy and paste this text:

<a href="">Rio Grande Cam</a>

for a text link like this:
Rio Grande Cam

Or copy and paste this text:
< a href=""><img src=""></a>

For an image link like this:

Friday, November 10, 2006

South Texas RV Parks Internet with Wifi

Internet access is becoming more important to RV'ers. A few years ago, some leading edge RV Parks began responding to this need by offerring internet access in their parks. With the rapid adoption of wireless internet access or WiFi, now many South Texas RV parks and campgrounds are beginning to offer WiFi access to their residents...there are even some South Texas RV Parks with FREE WiFi.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Heritage Tourism in Texas

Heritage tourism, or tourism with the intent of viewing and visiting historical sites, is the fastest growing segment of the $40.4 billion tourism industry in Texas. Texas ranks second in the nation in the number of cultural and heritage travelers.

Reference: Texas Historical Commission

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Flora and Fauna near Chimney Park RV Resort

Located on the banks of the Rio Grande, the park features a view of Mexico just across the river. The lush flora and varied fauna are typical of the south Texas sub-tropics. Weather is warm year round and winter and early spring seasons are positively delightful. The surrounding brushlands provide natural habitats for exotic cats such as ocelot and jaguarundi. Exotic birds include paraque, groove-billed ani, and black bellied whistling duck.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Chimney Park RV Resort

My favorite RV park in the Rio Grande Valley is Chimney Park RV Resort. In fact I liked it so much my company bought it! It has all the features and amenities you would expect in four star Rio Grande park such as pool, spa, full hookups, rec center, planned activities, shuffle board and bird watching. But because of it's unique location right on the Rio Grande river it is truly a special place.

The property was instrumental in the development of south Texas because of the chimney after which the park was named. The chimney is all that remains of the 1907 pumping plant and is a designated Texas historical landmark. It is a truly moving experience to stand on the banks of the river that separates Texas from Mexico and imagine what it was like 100 years ago when the Mission Canal Co. Irrigation system began pumping water from the Rio Grande river to irrigate the crops of the lower Rio Grande Valley.

Much of the area around Chimney Park is undeveloped and unspoiled much as it was 100 years ago.

Rio Grande Valley RV Parks

Why is the Rio Grande Valley such a hot destination for RV'ers? There are over 500 RV parks in the Rio Grande Valley, many of the them 55 + senior parks offering activities and recreation catering to the needs of retirees. Winter is the peak season and the population swells from November to April with Winter Texans. Because of the sub-tropical climate, winter temperatures in the Rio Grande Valley are consistently pleasant and ideal for outdoor activities such as fishing, boating, golf, birding, and more.